Login to SB Cash:
v Click on Start – Programs – MeghdootMillenium – SB Cash. Login screen appears.
Identify yourself as a Supervisor or Operator for the software by entering your ID and Password and Click on OK.
Verification Account:
Supervisor needs to verify the account submitted by the counter PA before it is finally accepted.
To open the window:
Through Mouse: Click on Verify menu and point to Verification of Accounts.
To print your account:
v Select the name of the operator whose account has to be verified from the list. Click on Select.
v Details of the operator’s account are displayed. Check the genuineness of the figures.
v Click on OK (or press Alt + O).
v Click on Cancel to close the screen.
Undo Account:
Whenever supervisor or operator notices that the account submitted is incorrect and needs to be modified, supervisor can cancel such account to enable the operator to enter the details afresh.
To open the window:
v Through Mouse: Click on Verify menu and point to Undo Accounts.
To cancel an account:
v Select the name of the operator whose account has to be verified from the list. Click on OK.
v Details of the operator’s account are displayed.
v Click on Undo (or press Alt + U). A message box will appear.
v Click on Yes to cancel the account.
v Click on Cancel to close the screen.
Cash to Treasurer:
Counter PA remits the cash he collected at the counter to Treasurer electronically using this option. The treasurer will acknowledge it when the counter PA physically hands over the cash to him. Unless the Treasurer acknowledges the cash will be shown against the counter PA.
To open User Screen:
v Through Mouse: Click on Cash menu and point to Cash Entry.
To enter the cash details:
v Select the type of instrument from the 3 options- Cash, Stamps and Cheque.
v In case of cash, select the denomination and enter the number of notes.
v In case of stamps, select the category and denomination and enter the amount.
v In case of cheques, select the bank and enter the cheque details.
v Click on OK (or press Alt+O) to save the details.
v Repeat the above steps till all the details of cash, stamps and cheques are entered. Details can be viewed in the box below.
v Click on Finish to save and exit. To exit without saving, click on Cancel.
Editing Cash Entry:
You can edit the details of cash, stamps and cheques entered for submission to Treasurer before the Treasurer accepts the remittance.
v Through Mouse: Click on Cash menu and point to Cash Editing.
To edit the cash details:
v List of remittances entered appear automatically. Select the entry that needs modification.
v Click on Select (or press Alt+S). Window with the details will appear.
v Make necessary modifications.
v Click on Finish to save and exit.
Cash from Treasurer:
Cash received from the Treasurer has to be acknowledged for taking into your account.
v Through Mouse: Click on Cash menu and point to Cash from Treasurer.
To receive the cash from Treasurer:
v The remittance entries made by the Treasurer will be displayed.
v Select the one that you want to acknowledge.
v Click on Received to acknowledge it.
v Repeat this process for all the entries.
v Click on Cancel to close the screen.
Debit Adjustments:
Any payment vouchers (or cash) sent to other counters, have to be adjusted by using this option. Cash handed over by the counter PA to Supervisor during the off hours of Treasurer will also be entered using this option. The amount will figure on the debit side of your account once the receiving user acknowledges the voucher or cash.
v Through Mouse: Click on Transactions menu and point to Debit adjustment.
To enter the details:
v Select the counter or Supervisor to whom cash/voucher is being given.
v Enter the amount of cash or value of the voucher being given.
v Enter the details of voucher in the box below.
v Click on OK to save details.
v Click on Cancel to close the screen.
Credit Adjustments:
Any payment vouchers (or cash) sent by other counters to you, have to be adjusted by using this option. You need to acknowledge the receipt of the voucher before submission of account.
v Through Mouse: Click on Transactions menu and point to Credit adjustment.
To enter the details of voucher received from other counter PAs:
v Select the counter from which cash/voucher is received.
v Amount of cash or value of the voucher being received and details of the voucher will appear.
v Click on Accept (or press Alt+A).
v Click on Cancel to close the screen.
Add SB Transactions:
This option is useful to enter the consolidated information of transactions pertaining to Savings Bank. Supervisor has to first enter the name of the service before the operator can make transactions
To open the window:
v Through Mouse: Click on Transactions menu and point to Savings Bank.
To add transactions:
v Select the transaction date.
v Select the transaction type from the list by using Up and Down arrow keys
v Enter the amount.
v Click on OK to save details.
v Click on Cancel to clear the incorrect entries to make fresh entries
v Click on Close to close the screen.
To view the list of transactions entered:
v Click on View tab (or press Alt + V). All the transactions entered so far will be displayed
To delete an incorrect entry:
v Click on Delete tab (or press Alt + D). All the transactions entered so far will be displayed.
v Select the entry to be deleted by using Up and Down arrow keys.
v Click on delete button. A message box will appear.
v Click on Yes to confirm deletion.
Add Transactions (Other than SB):
This option is useful to enter the consolidated information of transactions pertaining to a service newly introduced and for which separate window has not been provided in the Point of Sale. Supervisor has to first enter the name of the service before the operator can make transactions. This provision is also useful to make batch entry of even regular transactions in a rare case of system crashing.
To open the window:
v Through Mouse: Click on Transactions menu and point to Others.
To add transactions:
v Select the transaction date.
v Select the transaction type from the list by using Up and Down arrow keys
v Enter the amount.
v Enter the reasons for making batch entry.
v Click on OK to save details.
v Click on Cancel to clear the incorrect entries to make fresh entries
v Click on Close to close the screen.
To view the list of transactions entered:
v Click on View tab (or press Alt + V). All the transactions entered so far will be displayed
To delete an incorrect entry:
v Click on Delete tab (or press Alt + D). All the transactions entered so far will be displayed.
v Select the entry to be deleted by using Up and Down arrow keys.
v Click on delete button. A message box will appear.
v Click on Yes to confirm deletion.
Account Heads – Savings Bank:
Supervisor has to add Savings Bank receipts and payment heads for the existing or newly introduced SB schemes by using this option.
To open this option:
v Through Mouse: Click on Master menu. Select Transactions Master-SB and click.
To Add:
v Enter the transaction name.
v Select the account head.
v Click on OK to save the entry.
v Click on Close to close the screen.
Account Heads – Other than SB:
Supervisor has to add other than Savings Bank transaction heads by using this option.
To open this option:
v Through Mouse: Click on Master menu. Select Transactions Master- General and click.
To Add:
v Enter the transaction name.
v Select the account head.
v Click on OK to save the entry.
v Click on Close to close the screen.
Account Submission:
At the close of the shift the counter PA has to submit his account to his supervisor. Submission of account is allowed only after the cash and cheques collected at the counter are handed over to Treasurer and he has acknowledged the same. Further, the transactions made by that operator will be incorporated in HO Summary only after his account is verified and accepted by his supervisor.
To open the window:
v Through Mouse: Click on Cash menu and point to Submit Accounts.
To submit account:
Your account with details of receipts and payments will be displayed.
Account is automatically adjusted once you submitted the cash to Treasurer and he has acknowledged it. Serial number allotted to your account is also displayed.
Click on Print button to submit your account and also print it simultaneously. A message will be generated in case you have not cleared the cash.
Print Accounts:
Your day’s account can be printed after you have submitted your final account to your Supervisor.
To open the window:
v Through Mouse: Click on Cash menu and point to Print Accounts.
To print your account:
v Select the serial number of your account. This number is allotted when the Treasurer acknowledges electronically the cash handed over by you to him.
v Click on Print (or press Alt + P).
v Click on Cancel to close the screen.
Change Password:
It is advisable that you change your Password periodically.
To open the screen
v Through Mouse: Click Tools Menu and select Change Password.
To change the password:
v Enter your current password in the box provided and press ENTER.
v bmc do-it.bmp} Enter your new Password in the box “New Password”.
v Enter your new Password again in the box “Re-enter Password”.
v Click on OK (Or press ALT +O) to give effect to your new password.
Pension Payment:
The accountant will draw the pension bills in Accounts package. These bills will be transferred to Treasury. Sometimes payment of pensions is entrusted to a counter clerk. For the actual payment of pensions at counter, this option has to be used.
To open this option:
v Through Mouse: Click on Transactions. Select Pension Payment and click.
v Select the bill for payment
v Click on Ok
v Select the Mode of Payment
v Select the denomination/cheque particulars
v Type the number/amount
v Click on Ok
v Check the details window and total
v Click on Finish
Edit Pension Paid:
To open this option:
v Through Mouse: Click on Tools. Select Edit Pension Payment and click.
v Select the bill to be deleted
v Click on Undo
Bank Drawings:
Whenever the cash is drawn from the bank, such receipts have to be entered under this option.
To open this option:
v Through Mouse: Click on Remittance menu. Select Drawn from Bank and click.
v Bank name will appear automatically 9transaction bank)
v Select the cheque number from the list (the next cheque number will appear automatically)
v Type the amount drawn
v Click on Ok
v Select the currency denomination
v Type the number
v Click on Ok
v Repeat the steps to enter all currency notes received from the bank
v Check the details box and total amount.
v Click on Finish
Other Head Office Receipts:
The receipts from other Head Post Offices are to be added under this option
To open this option:
v Through Mouse: Click on Remittance menu. Select Received from OHOs and click.
v Select the other head office or type the name of other head office
v Type the RA number if available else leave it blank
v Type the RA date if available else leave it blank
v Type the total amount received
v Type the details of the receipts
v Click on Ok
v Select the Mode of remittance
v If cash, select the currency denomination. If Stamp, select the category of stamp and the denomination. If cheque, select the name of the bank and give other cheque details
v If cash, type the number of currency notes. If stamp, type the amount. If cheque type the cheque amount
v Click on Ok
v Repeat the steps to enter all the denominations or details
v Check the details box and total box
v Click on finish
Sub Office Receipts:
When Cash/stamps/cheques are received from SOs, this option has to be used to enter the particulars of the receipts.
To open this option:
v Through Mouse: Click on Remittances menu. Select Remittances received from SOs and click.
v Select the SO from the list
v Click on OK
v Furnish the date of remittance from SO
v Select the mode of receipts
v Select the denominations sent
v Type the number of currency denominations received
v Click on Ok
v Select the next denomination, type the number and click on OK. Repeat it until all the denominations entered.
v Select the Mode of remittance ‘ Stamps’ if there is a stamp bag sent from the SO.
v Select the category of stamp i.e. revenue or postage etc.
v Select the Stamps denomination
v Type the Amount
v Click on Ok. Repeat these steps until all the stamps denominations sent are entered.
v Select the Mode of Remittance ‘Cheque’ if any cheques are sent from SO.
v Select the name of the Bank
v Type the Cheque Date
v Type the Prefix
v Type the cheque number
v Type the amount of cheque
v Click on OK . If more than one cheque is there, repeat the steps above and furnish the particulars of those cheques.
v Before clicking on Finish, check the details in the details window and check the total amount. If any data entry errors occurred, you can delete such items from the Details box. For that, click on the item that has to be modified and click on Delete button. Again add the correct details as explained above.
v Before clicking on Finish, if you click on Cancel button, you can come out without saving the details you have entered. You may click on Cancel button, when you find that the SO name you have selected is wrong and you want to cancel the entries made and select the correct SO name.
v When all the details are correct click on Finish. Once you click on Finish, no modification can be done to those entries. In such cases approach the PM. The PM can delete the Receipts entered by the treasurer under Editing menu. And the treasurer has to reenter the correct figure as explained above.
Remittance to Bank:
When cash/cheques are remitted to bank, the entries have to be done under this option.
To open this option:
v Through Mouse: Click on Remittances. Select Remittance to Bank and click.
v Select the Mode (Cash or cheque)
v Select the Bank (Transaction bank)
v The voucher no. will appear automatically
v Click on OK
v If cash, give the denomination and number details. Click on Ok. When all particulars are entered click on Finish.
v If cheques, the details of all cheques which are shown as receipts in the package will appear on the screen. These are the cheques that are to be remitted to bank for clearance. Treasurer may select all cheques or a few cheques as per the requirement of Bank remittance and click on Ok (Selection of cheque is done by clicking and putting a tick mark in the check box)
Payments to Other Head Offices:
The payments to other Head Post Offices are to be added under this option
To open this option:
v Through Mouse: Click on Remittance. Select Sent to Other Head Offices and click.
v Select the other head office or type the name of other head office
v Type the RA number if available else leave it blank
v Type the RA date if available else leave it blank
v Type the total amount to be paid
v Type the details of the payment
v Click on Ok
v Select the Mode of remittance
v If cash, select the currency denomination. If Stamp, select the category of stamp and the denomination. If cheque, select the name of the bank and give other cheque details
v If cash, type the number of currency notes. If stamp, type the amount. If cheque type the cheque amount
v Click on Ok
v Repeat the steps to enter all the denominations or details
v Check the details box and total box
v Click on finish